The Quinn Report

The daily, weekly, or sometimes monthly news of what goes on in our hectic lives.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Day 5 in Hell

Today is the 5th day since my tonsils were taken out, and I feel like I am getting nowhere. I don't feel any better, my throat KILLS, and my ears feel like they are going to burst wide open. It feels like there are weights just hanging from them. I'm fed up with my "milkshake diet" because I can see the pounds accumulating onto my thighs. I have pain meds, but if I'm not eating that much, then they make me vomit. I'm FREAKING because we get Salem back tomorrow and I still feel like shit. I'm hoping that she will make me feel better--I know she will. I need to get feeling better people!!!! I have so much to do next week and can't even imagine how I am going to get it all done feeling like this. Salem has doctor's apt., so do I, hair apt., dentist (imagine that), cleaning lady is coming, Oh, and we're moving next week!!! I'm very excited, but there is so much to do and it SUCKS when you can't talk. The worst part isn't the actual pain, it just feels like it is NEVER GOING TO GO AWAY. Can anyone sympathize?


At 12:04 PM , Blogger Lysandra said...

Maybe tomorrow will be different! Hang in there, maybe Salem will make you feel better.

At 2:36 PM , Blogger Andrea and Ben said...

You can get through this girl! Salem will bring smiles to your face which will help tons. Miss you and hope you are better soon!

At 2:58 PM , Blogger A Goldsworthy Note said...

Tomorrow will be much better with Salem in your arms. Even if you aren't at 100% or close to it you'll be happier with her there. I know you feel like it'll never go away, but it will...just tough it out a little longer.
Love ya.

At 6:59 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

I'm sorry your still not feeling well. But the girls are right...seeing little Salem and giving her a big hug will make feel a bit better.

At 4:54 PM , Blogger Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

I hope you feel better soon. I'll be thinking of you.

At 9:59 PM , Blogger Katie said...

Oh my gosh, Noel. That sounds hellacious. I hope you feel better ASAP!! Cancel all the non-essential appointments and just get by on survival mode....and suck down more milkshakes. You need your strength!


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