The Quinn Report

The daily, weekly, or sometimes monthly news of what goes on in our hectic lives.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


For Salem's birthday, she received THE coolest gift ever from her boyfriend, Knox. It is a DVD called Bee and Me and it has pictures of Salem throughout the DVD! We watched it last night and every time she would see herself on TV, she would start clapping. Or, when they were looking for her (saying "Where's Salem?"), she would cover her eyes like she was playing peek-a-boo with them. It is very cool and I recommend checking it out. A great gift to give to your children or to a friend. All I had to do was email a picture of Salem to her and then she forwarded it on to them from there. I believe they run right at $30.


At 8:08 AM , Blogger Andrea and Ben said...

Now I am not mailing my gift, it is so lame compared to that!! Kidding, but that does look SUPER cool! I am mailing her packge tomorrow. It will be like her birthday never ended :0)

At 7:49 PM , Blogger Katie said...

That is totally cool!!!!!

At 12:21 PM , Blogger Joel and Angela said...

That is the neatest idea! I may get a video with me in it. It may be my only "Claim to fame"


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