The Quinn Report

The daily, weekly, or sometimes monthly news of what goes on in our hectic lives.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Scale Doesn't Lie!

I often find Salem in our closet doing this:

She didn't eat very much yesterday; I wonder if she is worried about her weight? Great, only 14 months old and she stressing about fitting into her skinny jeans. She will often carry the scale to me so that I can weigh myself. Geeee....thank you Baby Salem! Why wouldn't I want to step onto the scale after devouring almost an entire box of cereal? Let me jump right on!


At 9:16 AM , Blogger A Goldsworthy Note said...

Hehehe....that's too funny. Love the pictures and how they captured each step of her weighing herself. Cute, cute, CUTE!!!

At 10:41 AM , Blogger Lysandra said...

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At 10:41 AM , Blogger Lysandra said...

How does she enough know how to do that? We don't have a scale in our house, maybe that is why Mikey wouldn't know what to do. That is crazy!

At 9:07 PM , Blogger Andrea and Ben said...

That is funny :0) I think watching the numbers is probably pretty fun which is most likely why she does it.


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