The Quinn Report

The daily, weekly, or sometimes monthly news of what goes on in our hectic lives.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

SICK of being SICK

I took Salem to the doctor (again) yesterday because she had ruptured her eardrum (again). Not only that, but she also has a terrible ear infection that has had blood draining out of the ear. You know how it is, all the medication she is on for everything, has also caused her a terrible yeast infection. Life is no fun around here these days.

On top of all of that, I've been so consumed taking care of her ( and the other baby that I had an apt. also for yesterday), that I forgot that I've been sick for a week and a half now. I've been hit with THE WORST sinus infection I have ever had in my life. 3 days into our trip it blind-sided me and I can't get rid of it. Needless to say, today, I'll be spending my morning trying to get into the doctor. I should just pitch a tent outside the front doors of one of the medical facilities (I've been to 3 of them in the San Antonio area in the past 3 days).

The hardest part of it all is taking care of a very sick child when you don't feel well yourself. It is one of those illnesses where if I didn't have a child, I would just curl up in bed and lay there; for almost 2 weeks now. Just when I feel like I'm starting to get better, I get worse. I don't know what to do because I don't feel like doing anything.

The other baby is doing well and I got to hear the heartbeat. The doctors want to change my due date and I won't let them (at least at this given time). My last ultrasound shows that the baby measures 6 days behind. HOLY COW, 6 days??????? I measured 5 WEEKS behind the entire time with Salem. It's genetic. Some people have large babies and some have small. My entire family, to include myself, were all very small at birth. So, my due date in now on Thanksgiving Day. I wonder if they'll be cooking up a turkey dinner for me that night while I'm in labor?


At 9:51 AM , Blogger joanna said...

Yuck all around. Just yuck. Holly was born 2 days before Thanksgiving. We got home the day before, and Oliver's mom and sister (and Oliver) all did Thanksg. dinner that year. That was nice. I was happy not to have to have hospital turkey & dressing.

At 3:13 PM , Blogger Andrea_Ben said...

Oh man, I am sorry for you and for poor Salem. I had a sinus infection around the same time of my pregnancy and I was MISERABLE!!! I hope you can get some much needed rest and get to feeling better. I will be thinking about you.

At 4:44 PM , Blogger Katie said...

I also had the worst effing sinus infection EVER when newly pregnant. WHAT THE HELL? I've hardly EVER been that miserable.

I also had a ruptured eardrum as a child. It was painful! Poor, poor Salem. I can't believe she has had two! Does she need tubes in her ears?

I hope everyone is feeling better soon!

At 9:15 PM , Blogger The Quinn Report said...

The reason why this is such an ass pain is because we just had tubes put in Salem's ears back in Feb. I thought that would solve all of our problems, but I thought wrong.

At 12:40 AM , Blogger Lysandra said...

How awful for you and Salem being sick. That sucks! But glad to hear the new baby is doing ok!


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