The Quinn Report

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Monday, April 30, 2007

Dinning Dilemma

I am having a "Dinning Room Dilemma." I bought the table from Pottery Barn all by itself, and having been searching all over town for the "perfect chairs" to match...that didn't happen! I finally gave in the other day and bought these 3--2 the same and 1 different to go on one side of the table. On the other, there will be a dark espresso colored bench. Now, I think I actually like the wicker looking one better, and would like to take one of the other ones back. What do you think?
My idea is 2 wicker ones, the dark one in the middle, and the bench on the other side. Please excuse the the mess in the background; I had to assemble the chairs on my own--now that was fun! I also need to decorate this area and get some curtains up. I'll post the finishing product in the near future; any advice?


At 6:54 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

Noel, I'm terrible at this stuff. Why my house is not decorated, or have any fancy furniture. But I do like the idea of the two wickers chairs flanked by one dark brown. It brings in a different element of texture and colour. Good Luck!

At 8:23 PM , Blogger Katie said...

Okay. I love the idea of mixing chairs, but I don't really think you should have just ONE of any of them. Does that make sense? If the bench is going to match the ONE chair, then I think it would be okay.

I LOVE all of them!

At 12:25 AM , Blogger Andrea and Ben said...

They all compliment each other so well. It is tough to say without seeing the whole space. What about having dark chairs to flank the ends that don't have to be pulled up all the time (They can sit near the window for a separate look when you don't want them near the table? I love the table, it is beautiful!!

At 1:54 PM , Blogger A Goldsworthy Note said...

I do like the wicker, but it does look funny with only one. I agree with Katie and Andrea on this (instead of typing it all out). But, if you won't be able to clean them I would suggest cutting them out of the picture.
Good luck!


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