The Quinn Report

The daily, weekly, or sometimes monthly news of what goes on in our hectic lives.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

A MOOSE there, A DEER here

Oops, he did it again! A deer ran out in front of Andrew on the way to work Friday morning. What is it with 4 legged animals? He hit a moose on his drive up to Alaska (10 minutes outside of base to be exact and it did his brand new car in)and now, this damn deer. I'm sure USAA is like WTF is up with this Quinn family? So, after the moose demolished his 4Runner is AK, he set out for revenge with HARB by stocking one in our freezer. Maybe in a few months you'll see photos like this below, but with Bambi. Thank goodness he walked away without even a scratch. The deer, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. Andrew was going 60 chance for the little guy to survive that. Damn deer.


At 1:46 PM , Blogger The Gilbert Crew said...

That sucks!!! It doesn't llok like tht damagge it too bad. I have had my share of accidents. I have a problem with backing into things. USAA loves us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 1:47 PM , Blogger The Gilbert Crew said...

I just reread my previous post...OMG I misspelled so many words. I promise I really do have a college degree!

At 3:00 PM , Blogger Jacobson said...

He has the whitest ass I've ever seen... actually Erik's ass is pretty white too!!! Hee Hee!!!

At 4:31 PM , Blogger A Goldsworthy Note said...

Damn deer. Once one ran into my sisters car as she stopped at a stop sign. It ran into her passenger door and made the door inoperable. Hopefully that's the end of y'alls run-ins with the 4-legged animals.

Great pictures :0) hehehe.

At 5:17 PM , Blogger Andrea and Ben said...

Oh my!! I can sympathize with hitting a moose - not fun. We did not get revenge but thought about it many times :0) I am glad you posted the naked pictures.....those are classic!!!

At 9:28 AM , Blogger Lysandra said...

HAHAH Tracy's comment made me laugh. We saw HARB this weekend. He came for the airshow. I tried calling but again I missed you.....your turn....again.

At 5:57 PM , Blogger Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

Like the new template. Glad all is well. With the humans anyway...


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