The Quinn Report

The daily, weekly, or sometimes monthly news of what goes on in our hectic lives.

Friday, August 08, 2008


OH YES I DID! We (Salem and I along with another mommy and friend), ventured out and took the kiddos to The Wiggles concert. The kids enjoyed it to its fullest and the moms, on the other hand, wanted to blow our brains out 20 minutes into the show. THIS was a once in a lifetime special treat for Salem that will NEVER be repeated. I'm trying to do some "special" things for/with her before Tavin comes, and this was one of them! I can do (and look forward to taking her to) Disney On Ice and what-have-you; but this, THIS, I cannot do again! It was, overall, a great show for kids but come on, who wants to pay $50 a ticket for nosebleed tickets to The Wiggles? Oh, and that wasn't for the two of us together, that was EACH! Every child over the age of 1 also needed a seat. YIKES! I also couldn't get over all the people that were going CRAZY over the paraphernalia they were selling. No way in hell was I going to buy Salem a $30 Wiggles shirt. Her friend, Tristan, was very generous and gave Salem a Wiggles puppy that she now won't let out of her sight...Thanks Sam!


At 10:40 AM , Blogger Samantha said...

I was definitely over it about 20 minutes into the show...somehow they are more bearable on DVD, maybe it is because I can walk away from the TV!

At 4:09 PM , Blogger Andrea and Ben said...

I swear, Salem is one of the cutest kids I know!!! I do not know how you sat through the wiggles, I saw it on TV once and had nightmares for a week.

At 8:11 AM , Blogger The Gilbert Crew said...

You are brave especially when you are preggers and you sense of nausea is at its highest. Glad Salem had a good time. She is adorable in her headband.


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