The Quinn Report

The daily, weekly, or sometimes monthly news of what goes on in our hectic lives.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Wednesday A.M. Activity

" Mommy, yoga makes me sleepy."

So, Salem and I tried a new activity today to share together---Infant Yoga! It was very exciting and I highly recommend it to anyone with a little one. I feel like I actually accomplished something with her. I mean, we read, take walks, play, feed, feed, feed, get daily needed naps, coo at eachother, and on , and on; but getting her out and taking a class together(that wasn't instructed by me) felt good for a change. I honestly could tell that Salem enjoyed it too! Babies need to stretch their little muscles and I was able to learn something and take it home with me. The entire class was based on a book called Itsy Bitsy Yoga. I know that I have seen it around, but never picked it up before. Now, I will definitely get myself a copy!


At 2:16 PM , Blogger Andrea and Ben said...

That sounds really cool!! Love the picture. I wish I was napping right now ;0)

At 4:02 PM , Blogger Lysandra said...

I love yoga! So does we went to's a music class for babies, I think you would like it, or at least Salem would.

At 1:21 PM , Blogger Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

That sounds very fun. I can't wait to go to things like that with our little guy.

She is getting so big. Great picture.

At 9:29 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

That's awesome you've started so early with Salem. She looks so tiny to me...I can't imagine doing anything with a baby so small.


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