The Quinn Report

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

SA Meeting

27 pairs with me(she has 1 on) and 11 pairs packed up in storage-yikes!

Me: Hello, my name is Noel and I am a "shoe-a-holic."

Reply: "Hi Noel!"

Yes, instead of a AA, I think I need to go to a SA (Shoe-a-holic Anonymous) meeting. Seriously, there are so many people out there addicted to other things than just alcohol. Why do they not have:

Gamblers Anonymous
Sexholic Anonymous
Fishingholic Anonymous
Shop-a-holic Anonymous
Eatingholic Anonymous
A Shoe-a-holic Anonymous?

Why do the drunks get all the goods? It would be nice to have someone to talk to on the days that I order 3 pairs of shoes online and then feel bad about it later ( like when my husband walks through the door with this sad look on his face that makes me think he knows I just blew $100 of his hard earned money; even though he has no idea YET.) Yes, those are the days that I feel bad. Others, Nah, I really don't give a shit. Shoes make a damn outfit. I buy the shoes first, then the outfit. Life would be so much easier if people would just follow that simple rule. Trust me, you can always find a dress to match the shoes; but not always shoes to match the dress. Catch my drift? I think people in general need to judge more on what's below the waist. You don't always have to find the goods on top. Quit looking at the boobs and take a nice hard look on the shoes. Heck, sometimes they cost as much as a nice rack. Just use me as an example. I had to buy mine and they're still not all that great.

* The sad part is, Salem only has one pair of shoes that she can fit into right now; the rest of them are too big.*

These are all my favorites!
(Polo,Pedipeds, Vans, Robeez, Robeez, Old Navy)


At 6:38 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

They are so cute!!! A great reason to have a little girl...

With that many shoes, Salem is definitely going to have your obsession!

At 10:17 PM , Blogger Allison said...

Before you know it, you will be like me and find you have 6 NEW pairs of size 8 shoes, only to find your three year old apparently SKIPPED being a size 8, and went right to a 9. Dammit!!!!! Big footed freak, just like her father.

At 1:16 AM , Blogger Lysandra said...

But watch out when she can fit into all those shoes!

At 1:56 AM , Blogger Katie said...

Well, I can help you justify it, because those are obviously all different sizes....its not like you have that many in just one size.

The argyle Robeez have been my all time favorites...they seem to really go with a lot and they're SO cute. Those pea pods are adorable as well. Hell...they ALL are.

At 1:02 PM , Blogger Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

I must say that she has quite the collection.

At 7:54 PM , Blogger Erin said...

Oh man. Little girl shoes are TOO CUTE. I don't blame you for being addicted. I'm lucky I had a boy because I might break our bank over those little girl clothes.

I hope you don't mind... I followed your link through Katie's Yap blog.


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